Sunday, 26 June 2011

START. june 26, 2011.

so I just started this. today. I'm excited to use this thing! this is sort of going to be like my.... summer 'fitness' diary. I put quotations around the word fitness because I'm not someone who is super into STAYING FIT AND ATHLETIC. I'm not. so I'll start off with you all knowing that. I am using this blog mainly for myself, and hey, if people decide to read it, I'll be stoked.
in this blog, I'll be typing about the food that I eat, (the healthy choices and the not so healthy choices), my running and biking routine, (not that I really have a specific routine, maybe I'll make one!), and some other things that revolve around fitness and health.
like I said before, the reason that I am starting this blog is for myself. if somehow, someone finds it, reads it, and enjoys it, I will be quite happy, (not that I expect anything like that).
anyways, that's the 'dailyself' blog intro!

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